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I am an art director / production designer in both feature and television animation. The posts here are a mixture of professional and personal art.

Tuesday, 5 November 2024

Back during the Great Pandemic, I directed 34 episodes of Pretzel and the Puppies for Apple +. For the first few months of preproduction, before my brilliant art director Peter Lee came onboard and ran with my concepts, I planned out the overall look of the show. Recently I unearthed some of my very early concept and planning work. The foundation for the look of the show. It was important to me to have a 360 degree view in any direction of the town at puppy level, so that for the entirety of the series, we didn't have to deal with the expense and effort of filling gaps with matte paintings. Also, this gave the show a sense of familiar locations over time.

Below, you can see the final main character renders- inspired by designs of my dear friend and world class character designer Gary Dunn.

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